
Wake up and smell the coffee!


Good to see another new tech idea attracting investment to take it to the next stage. Bio-bean takes used coffee grounds and converts them to fuel. This deal notification dropped into my inbox and highlights just the sort of technology that we, globally, need to be championing to drive environmental improvements.

I am very fortunate in my position heading up Polestar to get the opportunity to meet founder entrepreneurs looking to develop cutting-edge business ideas. Of course, not all will succeed but the investment community needs to take some risk to convert the potential of new technologies, especially where the businesses themselves have already invested their time in developing a brainwave into a workable commercial solution.

Bio-bean looks to have got some traction and attracted investment. We wish them the best of luck!

The boards of Gresham House Renewable Energy Venture Capital Trust (VCT) 1 plc and Gresham House Renewable Energy VCT 2 plc have confirmed the investment into the firm, bio-bean, which is the largest recycler of waste coffee in the UK.

By Richard Hall on 27/11/2019