
Why Advertising Companies Remain Steady Investment Assets Amid Global Economic Fluctuations

Business Services

In the ever-changing global economic landscape, the advertising industry stands as a steadfast investment asset. This resilience is underscored by the consistent growth in advertising expenditure, which is projected to exceed one trillion dollars by 2026. The advent of digital subscription-based technology, particularly Software as a Service (SaaS) models, has transformed business-customer interactions, ensuring a steady revenue stream for companies. With marketers set to increase their spending on digital channels and global ad spend predicted to grow by $33.0 billion in 2024, the potential for growth in the advertising industry is clear. These factors underscore the industry’s stability, positioning it as a reliable investment asset irrespective of global economic conditions.

The Resilience of the Advertising Industry

The advertising industry is known for its dynamism and significant influence on consumer perceptions and behaviours. Despite uncertainties and disruptions triggered by global events, the industry continues to lead in innovation, leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as AI, AR/VR, and big data analytics to create more targeted and personalised advertising campaigns.

In 2024, the global advertising market, valued at $615.2 billion in 2022, is witnessing unprecedented growth. With a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 52%, the market is expected to reach a staggering $8349 billion by 2028. This growth is driven by several factors, including the proliferation of digital media, increasing expenditure on social media and mobile advertising, and the integration of AI and machine learning in advertising strategies.

Moreover, the advertising industry has demonstrated resilience in the face of economic challenges. Agencies have navigated a complex landscape with adaptability, focusing on harnessing new opportunities, diversifying services, and strategically navigating economic trends to foster sustainable growth.

The Emergence of Digital Subscription-Based Technology

In 2024, Software as a Service (SaaS) models within the realm of digital marketing have revolutionised the interaction between businesses and customers. The SaaS market, already worth about $197 billion in 2023, is forecasted to reach a staggering $232 billion by 2024. This growth is driven by the shift from traditional one-off transactions to a subscription-based model that fosters an ongoing relationship between the company and the consumer.

The advantages of this model are twofold: companies secure a steady revenue stream, while customers gain continuous access to services, often at a lower cost than traditional models. For instance, Recurly merchants acquired 50.0% of subscribers through trials, making it one of the most effective customer acquisition strategies. Additionally, 28.1% of Recurly customers offered add-on options to allow customers to personalise their subscriptions, resulting in $2.2 billion in incremental revenue.

Moreover, the subscription model continues to experience significant shifts in consumer behaviour and expectations, where flexibility is not an option but a necessity. As the global economy profoundly influences subscriber preferences, the key to sustainable growth lies in adapting to the latest trends in consumer behaviour while maintaining proactive readiness. With a wealth of data on customer preferences, behaviours, and feedback, businesses can tailor their offerings and respond more swiftly and personally than ever before.

The Proliferation of Subscription-Based Marketing Companies

The proliferation of subscription-based marketing companies is a testament to the broader shift towards personalisation and customer-centric strategies in the marketing industry. The advantages of this model are twofold: companies secure a steady revenue stream, while customers gain continuous access to services, often at a lower cost than traditional models. For instance, Recurly merchants acquired 50.0% of subscribers through trials, making it one of the most effective customer acquisition strategies. Additionally, 28.1% of Recurly customers offered add-on options to allow customers to personalise their subscriptions, resulting in $2.2 billion in incremental revenue.

Moreover, the subscription model continues to experience significant shifts in consumer behaviour and expectations, where flexibility is not an option but a necessity. As the global economy profoundly influences subscriber preferences, the key to sustainable growth lies in adapting to the latest trends in consumer behaviour while maintaining proactive readiness. With a wealth of data on customer preferences, behaviours, and feedback, businesses can tailor their offerings and respond more swiftly and personally than ever before.


In the face of global economic fluctuations, the advertising industry has proven to be a steady investment asset. The resilience of this sector is evident in its consistent growth and the projected increase in advertising spend, which is expected to surpass one trillion dollars by 2024. The rise of digital, customer-centric technology, particularly Software as a Service (SaaS) models, has revolutionised business interactions, making them more revenue-driven.

The proliferation of subscription-based marketing companies is not just a trend, but a reflection of a more personalised, data-driven approach to customer engagement. These companies are not just surviving, but thriving amidst economic uncertainties, underscoring the industry’s resilience and potential for sustained growth and innovation.

The advertising industry’s inherent resilience and the growing importance of digital advertising make this sector especially well positioned to thrive, offering promising returns for investors. The evolution of subscription-based marketing companies is not just a trend but a reflection of a more personalised, data-driven approach to customer engagement. As businesses adapt to these innovative models, they are not only surviving but thriving amidst economic uncertainties. This adaptability underscores the industry’s resilience and highlights its potential for sustained growth and innovation.


By Ella Bertrand on 04/03/2024