
The social media paradox

Be it Glassdoor, Trustpilot or Linkedin there is no hiding from social media as the use of e-commerce and social media platforms transforming the business to customer or other stakeholder relationships. 

In a world where consumers are driven by online influencers or content marketing, a strong online presence is crucial in connecting with customers, yes even B2B. Along with the additional benefits this can provide, for example, brand building, sale conversion and awareness, the arguments against are thin.

It’s all positive – isn’t that what we all want to hear!

In reality, a poor online presence can be just as damaging. Social media platforms are an excellent medium for complaints which can subsequently harm future sales or brand image. Once online, it can be difficult to rectify with the 21st century consumer more “connected” than ever.

The key to running a successful online operation is management. Most business exercise this through an internal social media team or more commonly for smaller organisations, an outsourced service. 

Whilst any bit of innovation carries an element of risk, maintaining a good online presence can be a significant value driver and key selling point for a M&A transaction. At Polestar, demonstrating our clients’ online presence has played a crucial role in attracting the right buyers, resulting in increased value to shareholders, employees and the business itself

Social media could ruin your business

By Bhavik Borkhatria on 25/07/2019