
How AI is Developing Digital Marketing

Living in an age of algorithms, AI is constantly developing around us. Its growing demand is developing industries, offering convenience, flexibility and advancement. I have been looking at how AI has been driving forward digital services; digital marketing is at the forefront of this development and change. 

The AI Journal describes AI to be providing “automation tasks, efficiency, and quick solutions” in digital marketing. These benefits are a far cry from crossing your fingers for interaction to an add banner on Web 1.0 or hoping for some Myspace interaction from millennial teens. 

There are, according to the AI Journal, five ways in which AI is helping to diversify digital marketing. The first: Customer Behaviour Prediction
It’s important to know who your customer base are; it’s even more important to know what they want. Or if not what they want, what they’re going to want once you actively market your offering to them.

This is where AI comes in as a handy tool to predict the needs of the customer. “The system can analyse the data automatically”, and identifies the customers’ browsing and purchase history. If you were to do this yourself it would be a long, frustrating task, with anomalies and uncertainty. AI almost instantly detects the trends and then goes on to project predictions for customer habits and interactions. It analyses the data for you, giving you more time to create high-quality marketing strategies.

Within business, there has been a surge in BI automation ( Business Intelligence Automation). BI automation, backed heavily in the US, promotes speed and accuracy. Acting as a fine tooth comb through the data, it conducts a deeper analysis of trends and insights finding previously unlinked trends and anomalies. This has helped to speed up and fine-tune data analysis for customer prediction.

Our next diversification technique is Pricing. 

Pricing is tricky, the AI Journal describes it perfectly: “the price is not only about the product’s price, it may also include delivery charges, taxes, capital, and other things that you would need to produce the item you’re selling.” 

Before we would have to weigh up the positives and negatives of pricing strategies and hope that we had picked the correct one. Now, with the development of AI, we have a more objective computer program helping us calculate the tax and delivery. This also ensures that we keep out of legal troubles along the way because we know we are paying the right amount on tax.

Chatbots, love them or loath them? However you may feel about interacting with a chatbot, many companies have adopted them over the past few years. They reduce the time it takes for a customer to get in touch and receive help on their problem or query. This boosts your company’s customer service efficacy and means that employees can assist with the bigger problems rather than those with a quick fix. 

The AI Journal lists examples of efficient customer service bots such as Facebook and WhatsApp, which give quick and helpful assistance to the user. The same goes for modern online banking “you don’t need to go to your bank because you can do it over the phone or use their app.”

The rise of Augmented Reality promotes a new consumer reality. Rather than trying prepared testers and waiting for cues, customers can now ‘try before they buy’ from the comfort of their own homes. This allows them to know before they purchase the product if it will suit them without wasting time going to the shop to try it. This new reality appeals to the consumer and helps to positively and actively promote your brand’s capability. 

Finally, Content Creation, which may seem like the most obvious development, but, beautiful content will make people want to buy from you. AI can assist you with this process by identifying key brand tags that bring traffic to your website. It can help you with wording and grammar, which will help push your product and marketing and content to the correct audiences. 

The fast development of the digital world around us has helped us explore different solutions to understanding consumer data. It has now made accessing and buying products easier than ever for the consumer, with a robot picking up the pieces when they feel something is wrong. All we have to do is read the quickly generated data and work out what we want to do with it. It will be interesting to see the development of the field in a few years’ time when it will be an even quicker and streamlined process to keep the consumer happy. 

The AI Journal describes AI to be providing “automation tasks, efficiency, and quick solutions” in digital marketing.

By Ella Bertrand on 18/07/2022